最佳答案:not as fragrant as flowersnot as tall as treeswe hold together closely如有全文,请发cal
最佳答案:the sun is shining and the day is sunny,birds are singing in the lovely bloom.
最佳答案:宝剑锋从磨砺出 梅花香自苦寒来意译:April showers bring May flowers.【推荐】直译:Honing gives a sharp ed
最佳答案:Also known as fixed green tea,oolong tea,fermentation of about 20-60 degrees,ran
最佳答案:The beauty of the flower not only in appearance,but its quality.Chimonanthus pra
最佳答案:Xiamen Gulangyu Islet, a pleasant climate, the four seasons such as spring, no n
最佳答案:Spring Hill is the full text of more than wins,and to the Mid-Autumn evening for
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