最佳答案:Look out . There is a car coming
最佳答案:And she has a expensive car.
最佳答案:I have a small blue car.
最佳答案:中文:一辆小汽车快速从他身边驶过.英文:A car is passing by him quickly.
最佳答案:过去I asked my daddy for a bicycle现在I’m asking my daddy for a bicycle
最佳答案:Is there a car near that tree?
最佳答案:my parents have a car ,which is
最佳答案:While he was going across the street a car was coming
最佳答案:A black car is parking in front of the teaching building.请及时采纳,多谢!
最佳答案:He called a taxi as soon as his arrival in the airport was known.