最佳答案:众志成城zhòng zhì chéng chéng〖解释〗万众一心,象坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁.比喻团结一致,力量无比强大.
最佳答案:众志成城Our wills unite like a fortress.A common will is strong as the (city)bulwark
最佳答案:【解 释】万众一心,像坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁.比喻团结一致,力量无比强大.【出 处】《国语·周语下》:“众心成城,众口铄金.”
最佳答案:城:城堡众志成城 zhòngzhì-chéngchéng[unity is strength;when people are unified with a si
最佳答案:Concerted efforts,creating the future.
最佳答案:众志成城结硕果,继往开来谱新篇Together we make wonders,Altogether the future rewards.
最佳答案:unite strengthly and wholeheartedly
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