最佳答案:They have a fever,they must stay in bed.They have a fever,they must have a rest
最佳答案:My grandmother stayed in bed all day yesterday.
最佳答案:1.I would stay in bed than go to see a doctor.2.The professor is strict with the
最佳答案:1 The doctor suggested that she not smokesuggest that sb (should) do 建议某人做.2 Her
最佳答案:遗产 曩有一田父,自幼孤寒,三十而始有家室.日出而作,日落而息,躬养子女,赈穷济贫.年七十而卧床不起,弥留之际(临死之时)呼儿孙于床前,曰:“吾行将就木(不久将