最佳答案:I will be silent wish you , happy birthday
最佳答案:I hope you always have handsome face a smile
最佳答案:Birthday is gone, no wish , no gift, no one remember today is my birthday
最佳答案:today is my birthday happy birthday to me and thank you guys
最佳答案:亲爱的,祝福我们生日快乐,一直幸福.Dear,wish we Happy birthday,happy along
最佳答案:I am very happy to receive/get your blessing for My birthday, thank you祝福 [ zhù
最佳答案:My birthday is coming up but I haven't received any birthday wishes.I decided th
最佳答案:Sister, today is your birthday, and when you see this diary , your birthday has
最佳答案:让我用心送上一份生日祝福,网络那段你是否感受到了友情的关怀和牵挂?世上多一个朋友,时间多一份温暖.祝福,祝你一生快乐多多!good wish to your b
最佳答案:I think the word "rememuer" must be change "remember"? Furthermore, i think two