最佳答案:Theory,by its nature,is kind of abstraction and symbolization of acquainted prax
最佳答案:the Greece letters and figures in this clothes generally stands for:fly higher,t
最佳答案:The spirit that he devotes himself into the scientific research has impressed us
最佳答案:上面形容词堆积的有些重复冗余了,稍微精简了下翻译如下My greatest advantage is the education background coop
最佳答案:数学是研究客观世界的空间形式和数量关系的学科,且数与形是数学的两种表达形式,数是形的抽象概括,形是数的直观表现 数形结合就是把抽象的数学语言与直观的图形结合起来
最佳答案:The research results of modern physics that never theory study math is completel
最佳答案:Clustering is a physical or abstract objects into a similar object composed of m