最佳答案:more and more people are driving cars.it has caused serious peroblems in cities
最佳答案:The advent of automobile has made the world change. There are two aspects of cha
最佳答案:Topic: In twenty years, there will be fewer cars are in use than there are today
最佳答案:随着社会的发展 汽车越来越多 汽车成了人们的主要交通工具,但是汽车的尾气排放也成为了环境污染的原因 所以说希望大家都不要乘坐汽车,减少环境污染 ,少开一天车,就
最佳答案:With the development of the automobile industry in China,more and more people af
最佳答案:With the development of economy ,our life is becoming better and better.Personal