放在 用英语翻译
最佳答案:After 11:00 at night,somehow i can't fall asleep.晚上11点后 不知为什么我睡不着somehow 放在句尾句首都
最佳答案:I think it's good to place it under the running cold water.
最佳答案:people should not hide their troubles for themselves
最佳答案:您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:你是我这辈子戒不掉的毒翻译:You are my life inveterate poison或者:
最佳答案:what will our life be like in the future?
最佳答案:I will focus on my study/work.I will concentrate on my study/work.上面两个句子都有集中精力的意
最佳答案:I had intended to make a speech,but later even I myself found it boring.
最佳答案:As was expected,he finished the job.Shanghai,as is well kniw to us ,is one of th
最佳答案:As is expected, he finished the work.Shanghai, as is well known to us all, is on
最佳答案:long straight brown hair一般情形下,可照下列情形排序.限定词(those...)+数量形容词(序数词,基数词)+描绘性词汇(beauti