最佳答案:I want to finish up this purchase because I have been waiting for a long time.
最佳答案:Most customers waste time on waiting the queue to reach certain length.
最佳答案:Could you please tell me when you will be free?i am looking forward to you.And i
最佳答案:Suddenly look backYesterday is past · · ·He has been away,Robert DEIf not in tim
最佳答案:1.i have been waiting all my life for this moment.为了这一刻 我等待了一生的时间I HAVE BEEN WAI
最佳答案:签单消费问题研究The study on bill signing expenses随着酒店业的发展,越来越多的酒店开始采用“免查房,无押金”的形式,虽节省了顾
最佳答案:In accordance with the conditions and terms of the contract,we have to make the
最佳答案:你可以说Can you ship out the package today or tomorrow? I have been waiting for this
最佳答案:The biggest screen2. The closest to home3. The shortest waiting time4. The most