最佳答案:适者生存survival of the fittestthe survival of the fittest
最佳答案:survival of the fittest in natural selection
最佳答案:survival of the fittest
最佳答案:Natural selection and survival of the fittest(物竞天择,适者生存) 是“物竞天择,适者生存”:物竞天择是:Natu
最佳答案:It is not the strongest of the species that survive,but the one most responsive
最佳答案:Natural selection, survival of the fittest
最佳答案:Natural selection,survival of the fittest
最佳答案:the War of JiawuSurvival of the fittest.
最佳答案:纯手工 望采纳The 21th century is an era fulfiled with opportunities and challenges. It