最佳答案:「牛B」名词解释:「牛B」 (又简称NB) ,又可说成「很牛」,指的是很厉害、很强的意思.「牛B」用英文表达可以是"very strong","excellen
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最佳答案:You're awesome!You're fabulous!请及时采纳,多谢!
最佳答案:cattle是集合名词,表示“一大群”,个人觉得,用在这里不太合适.I keep a bull/cow as a pet.
最佳答案:There is an ox in the forest ./There is a cow/ cattle in the forest .
最佳答案:He slaughtered a bull/ox/calf/cow/buffalo...是什麼牛自己挑吧……