最佳答案:My spead is more fast than ever.
最佳答案:1.这儿很少下雪(seldom). it snows seldom here. 2.光比声的速度快. the light runs faster than th
最佳答案:给你一个地道的版本吧I think that's a good idea.Blogs refresh faster.I don't think blogs ca
最佳答案:I do my homework by myself 、I do my homework more quickly and better than others
最佳答案:The magnetism aerosol train has many merits Its speed is quick,is automobile 4 t
最佳答案:Jane Zhang is one of big super star in China,of course,I am crazy about her.I am
最佳答案:After airplane invention, the airplane becomes the modern civilization essential
最佳答案:说的很流利不太可能 除非你真心苦练很久拿着英语带子听说读写其实听力说的很快的时候如果是做题的话先看题 直接抓住关键的地方就好 或者简单的速记一两个单词 在题与题