最佳答案:X (the movie) has status in the movies like a tower among the buildingsThe posit
最佳答案:Sincerest greetings;谨此致以诚挚的问候;In 2009after watching your movie after I was your
最佳答案:spring fever:春困(春季常见的一种昏昏欲睡的现象)1)这不一定是惊心动魄的,只是要有所不同,因为我迫切需要有些改变.我觉得我处于一成不变的景况.2)
最佳答案:本意冰冻,冰封,从物理上的态的变化可以引申到心态的变化.这个故事本来改编自安徒生的长篇童话白雪女王(PS snow queen,不是格林童话里的白雪公主 sno
最佳答案:From Mythbusters:Ninja Series you last measured in the "walk on water" has a pro
最佳答案:Dear Daniel,A few months ago,I finished watching the "Harry Potter" series.In th
最佳答案:this is bullshit(也有说shit的).就是“胡说”的意思,不过是比较粗俗的说法,正式场合尽量避免.
最佳答案:In our growth process, although not all things can be done successfully.However,
最佳答案:(纯手工码词翻译滴,希望能帮到你哦.)The second class of English is a very interesting class. In t