最佳答案:I hope you can always stay with me
最佳答案:I miss you so much, I just want you stay with me every day
最佳答案:也许我没有从第一天开始就陪着你们,但从今往后,我将永远陪着你们Perhaps I'm not with you from the very beginning,
最佳答案:Thank you for being there for me during my most difficult times
最佳答案:I wil be with you forever,if you don't leave me.
最佳答案:wish 一般是表示美好的愿望,祝福.所以嘛I wish you can stay with me everday during my life.浪漫一点的嘛I
最佳答案:翻译得很好啊!And it's still a thrill just to have my arms around you依然令我心动 将我的双臂 与你相拥感
最佳答案:I alway think you will be still at my side even the world don't want me ,but I t
最佳答案:Silly girl,Why such a silly.Do you know?I care about you so much.I want you to a
最佳答案:楼上是网页翻译的----If you leave on the one day in the future,I miss you forever ,and fo