最佳答案:Winds gone and dusts down,Dreams vanished, butTo awake me , none.为了押韵,调整了部分词序,这是
最佳答案:Did not know when from starts, I thought that I float probably in the air the du
最佳答案:Summer will be gone as usual,will your figure appears on the football pitch witc
最佳答案:焊机安放使用时应避免以下情况:The welder should avoid being laid in the following sites when us
最佳答案:The trouble is that he has never done the work.Looking into space from the earth
最佳答案:So,the dust removal became farewell old year meet in recruiting a ceremony and a
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最佳答案:We live in a vast universe,stardust and light particles floating all throughout,