最佳答案:question:What does koala eat?answer:It eats eucalyptus leaves.
最佳答案:Tell him to do whatYou are born bad .I have read this bookAm I good in this exam
最佳答案:铿鸣钟,考朗鼓.歌白鸠,引拂舞. 白鸠之白谁与邻,霜衣雪襟诚可珍. 含哺七子能平均.食不噎,性安驯. 首农政,鸣阳春. 天子刻玉杖,镂形赐耆人. 白鹭之白非纯真
最佳答案:1.Do not engage in with you.2.Do you have a lot of money?3.Why do you ignore me?
最佳答案:I did not miss even one class,and my final score was not bad either.However,I re