最佳答案:When/As we arrived in the zoo……When/As we got to the zoo……When/As we reached the
最佳答案:答案是:what did you do last Children's Day we visited the zoo 尊重劳动,欢迎提问,
最佳答案:We saw two new_coming animals in the zoo,the panda Ahbao and the tiger lulu . 个人
最佳答案:aksq666 这个英语老师也太强悍了,能翻译出这来We also and monkeys play together 强强强last saturday,we
最佳答案:if we do not support the zoo,they will not have enough money to take care the an
最佳答案:It was Labour Day.Dad took us to the park to play.We looked around all kinds of
最佳答案:1.“略”2.(1)两只小耳朵和一块褐色的脊背 (2)河马的皮肤3.再看它……支撑它那庞大身躯的腿竟又粗又短!4.河马的身躯庞大。5.奇特的外形和滑稽的动作。
最佳答案:We have seen the elephants from South Afrika, the koala from Australia and the p