最佳答案:现在的许多相机都可以在一秒钟之内连续拍摄多张 照片.三个词是EXIF数据中的参数,意思是在几分之一秒中相机瞬间的视野角度;sub-sec 就是低于一秒;time
最佳答案:aggregate Capital Commitments 总资本投入 aggregate Commitments 所有投入Subsequent Closing
最佳答案:百年孤独----《One Hundred Years of Solitude》作者:加西亚.马尔克斯----GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ
最佳答案:what is it?
最佳答案:and it will produces inestimable consequences and unpreditable camalities
最佳答案:cap systerm本意为“帽子系统”或“覆盖系统”,不过看具体用在哪儿了,应该有某个约定俗称的专业术语,遗憾我不知道……negotiations to re
最佳答案:His destiny is resulted from his jealousy and failing to facing up to himself.
最佳答案:The research has studied the definition and the stuctrue of A as well as its rel
最佳答案:50.It is well known that Atlantic is just half-size of Pacific;51:The accurate m
最佳答案:The R/T version has special ex- face design to include the lips side of the car