最佳答案:一、不论考哪里,考的是英语x0d二、有复习侧重 你问:“那我已经这样了(硕士3年级了……),怎么补习啊?”其实也不难,系统的复习在3个月内能收到奇效,正所谓临阵
最佳答案:prepare for 由于空格前面有一个情态动词must,所以这里应该使用动词的原型.谢谢.
最佳答案:The IT Support time was ahead of time,our IT will come to the Beijing office to
最佳答案:Thanks for your reply.I couldn't get through with you these days.could you pleas
最佳答案:1.have a will to develop in sap domain in the future2.Although I'm in America at
最佳答案:1.Expo makes the world know more about China which is modernized and ambitious.2