最佳答案:Whenever you are happy or lonely,I will always be by your side~加油或者前面不变后面改成I wil
最佳答案:Even if the world has abandoned you, I will abide by your side
最佳答案:英语翻译:She walked past me without seeing me日语翻译:彼女は私の身の回りから歩いて见てない私
最佳答案:My friend I only left is God
最佳答案:Protect the environment - start from minor matter around us环境保护-私たちの身のまわりの小さなことか
最佳答案:Used to have the feeling you by my side
最佳答案:We can call on the side more people into the ranks of environmental protection i
最佳答案:but i still hope that you will always be with me/be by my side
最佳答案:How I wish I can accompany you ,sharing your troubles,sharing my happiness