最佳答案:They have so much in common,they become good friends.She was so angry that she c
最佳答案:Dear Mum,I am sorry,I didn't meant to make you sad,but I have my own thought.You
最佳答案:我来译一下吧口语体的 其实和大家的差不多了i'm sorry for what i said that day,i didn't know if it hurt
最佳答案:生活中的往往是会存在着误解的,所以我们要避免因误解而造成的生气.当别人有什么不对之处,要理性对待别人的错误,不要动怒,要和气.Life there is oft
最佳答案:How are you!I'm sorry ,I was sick and stayed in bed a whole day so that I did no
最佳答案:A woman onece bought a pari a new shoes.On her way back she suddenly and careles