最佳答案:白头偕老:remain happily married to a ripe old age;live to old age in conjugal blissE
最佳答案:白头偕老拼音:bái tóu xié lǎo白头:头发白;偕:共同.夫妻相亲相爱,一直到老.出处:《诗经·卫风·氓》:“及尔偕老.”明·陆采《怀香记·奉诏班师》
最佳答案:答案一:白头偕老,情投意合笔上难写心中情 白 意为白纸一张;到此搁笔到此停 头 "搁笔"和"停"都是"到头"的意思;有情日后成双对 偕 自然是"偕";无情日后难
最佳答案:I want to be with you forever,till death do us apart.(长相厮守,至死不渝)这是我的意译,希望能表达你的意思
最佳答案:Congratulations to you,our bride and bridegroom!May every good luck and happines
最佳答案:Holds hand of the lover,a long life of love.A life of peace,as strong as death.
最佳答案:We can not be together until never abandon, said of a couple希望采纳
最佳答案:We can not be together until never abandon,said of a couple