最佳答案:These books are of a very low price.are of 形容后面的词 very 非常 price 价格.这些书有很便宜的价格.
最佳答案:In the past,these books were made by hand.
最佳答案:Are these books yours?No,they are not mine.
最佳答案:These books are so expensive that we cannot afford them.
最佳答案:She is our teacher but not theirs.2 this isn't my notebook but it's yours.3 are
最佳答案:Are these books belong to his sister?Where are your two sisters live?Did Mike go
最佳答案:贾平凹《浮躁》等许多作品被翻译成多种文字出版.余 华《兄弟》等许多作品被翻译成多种文字出版.姜 戎《狼图腾》被翻译成英文出版.
最佳答案:问题的答案:the key to the question一本有用的书:a useful book一些电脑游戏:some computer games一本英汉字
最佳答案:These trees must be planted in spring.These photos might be taken in 2001.These
最佳答案:1 there is a book and two dictionaries in my bookcase.2 the chair is under the t