最佳答案:I can't help marvelling at the quick development of the modern techniques.
最佳答案:It is well known, the development and the utilization modern education technolog
最佳答案:Very difficult to imagine,how aren't our older generations having thesuch many c
最佳答案:How very difficult to imagine our forefathers not to have the modern technology
最佳答案:it is hard to image that how our ancestors live without those convenient days br
最佳答案:In recent years, with the construction of the national economy and technology, e
最佳答案:1:现代科学技术使人们获益颇多,现代通信缩短了人与人之间的距离,式的交流变得更佳便捷.Modern science and technology benefit
最佳答案:(敬告楼主:请警惕机器翻译,因为会给您的工作和学习带来不可挽回的损失!本译文由专业译员亲手翻译,保证信息的准确,流畅,可读.敬请您仔细品读!)As the gl