最佳答案:The teacher prefer him to answer hard questions in class.,
最佳答案:Jack is very smart, because he always has answers to teacher's questions.
最佳答案:We should answer actively when teacher put forward a question.肯定对哦,求采纳么么哒 o(∩_∩)
最佳答案:the teacher asks Xiaoming to answer the question
最佳答案:In chemistry class, our teacher used to ask me questions frequently.
最佳答案:1.Face them bravely.2.travl all over the world.3.yes,because it can add much to
最佳答案:I don't know if you can answer this question, if do not ask the teacher.
最佳答案:I don't know if you can answer this question, if do not ask the teacher.
最佳答案:I am not good at english and may not answer the questions quite well, but I hope
最佳答案:1.上课认真听讲listen carefully in class2.在学校尊敬老师be respective to teachers at school3.提