最佳答案:Feel the grief,think the grief,and accept the grief.Let us know what is the grie
最佳答案:下面翻译的很好,有一点点语法不足而已,补充一下We should feel grateful for sorrow,since it let us know w
最佳答案:厌恶 糟蹋 伤害 开心 铁质 糟糕 污秽 充实 平常空闲 索取 贫穷 败坏 大方 豪华 松散 轻蔑 单调缓慢 粗笨 清淡 笨重 年轻 强盛 批评 虚伪 心平气和
最佳答案:以下是正确的翻译:That 72-year-old professor was much too grievous when his wife died in
最佳答案:Although life is suffering and miserable, we can find the sunshine of hope in ev
最佳答案:On Friday,Jesus was crucified,which made the whole world fall into sorrow.But he
最佳答案:这是最高兴的岁月,这也是最悲痛的岁月;这是让人心酸的季节,这也是让人有许多期待的季节.这就是酸甜苦辣样样具有的校园生活.This is the most che
最佳答案:I love this life the most you!You love her,you have to leave you alone bear grie
最佳答案:错过了你的季节,悲痛欲绝.但我追逐,不放弃,直至轮回的那一刻,或粉身碎骨的那一刻,期间所有的苦难由我一人承担.missed your season,I am h