最佳答案:While we grow up day by day,our parents are getting old each day.One day we will
最佳答案:白话《易经》电子书正是你所要的最后一个南怀瑾.徐芹庭 著的下下来就可了
最佳答案:下了番功夫翻译的,请参考:We are struggling on the front line of the construction project exp
最佳答案:Hello! Year's end to, will discard the old for the new, laborious year you have
最佳答案:原句:工藤 君 の苦労 が少し 分かる気がするわ.假名:くどうくんのくろうがすこしわかるきがするわ.罗马音:kudou kun no kurou ga suko
最佳答案:Over the past year, Everyone worked hard, Work had improveda lot. I hope that w
最佳答案:I thought I could live through all the hardship and tiredness as long as we can