最佳答案:I want an angel,an angel of their own,no more sorrow from me,give me a happy ang
最佳答案:You are no longer my angel,my dear.Honey/darling/sweetheart,you are not my angel
最佳答案:When you smiled and said hi to me, I felt you were the most beautiful angel in t
最佳答案:守护天使是guardian angelI will always be your guardian angel.Even the year 2012 arriv
最佳答案:I believe that you are my angle.I will make you happy.Trast me please.
最佳答案:5187680 0286974
最佳答案:If I were the Soldier Beauty,I would perish the darkness on behalf of the moon.I
最佳答案:I will guard her just like she guards me.In my heart,my mother is my angel.When
最佳答案:My dear baby,my angel,believe me,I was so loved you and your dad,but,your father