最佳答案:They feel being recognized through these activities.
最佳答案:I also have the similar experience,but during the conmmunication with friends,th
最佳答案:The speaker in this TED video is George Dyson.He mainly showed us the origin and
最佳答案:这个ted视频的演讲人名字叫George Dyson ,他主要向我们展示了计算机的起源与发展.The lecturer in this TED vision i
最佳答案:these are my words from hreatdays ago,i was kinda low,but though all of these,no
最佳答案:There are many color words.As a result of culture differences,the meaning of wor
最佳答案:Tractors in the upgrade is essential devices, the hydraulic system through the c
最佳答案:Ocean energies (OEs) are referred to as a group of renewable energies attached t
最佳答案:我们将会立即安排将这些好了的球齿通过海运发送给你.We will immediately arrange these good ball tooth by se
最佳答案:1.I have gained a lot of experiences and improved my korean level by these pract