最佳答案:The Book of Rites 《礼记》The Great learning《大学》,
最佳答案:What's the difference between college and high school education?
最佳答案:Shanghai InternationalStudies University
最佳答案:你认为简为什么没有去读大学?Why do you think Jane did not go to College?
最佳答案:apply,及物动词,本来就是“申请”了呢!to the college 是“到这所大学”做目的.apply for 中的apply 作不及物动词啦!
最佳答案:I'mcurious that why she desire to do part-tine at college.我是手译的 上面机器译的不好
最佳答案:In high school we all dream of the University, to study hard and to the. Often t
最佳答案:18 years of Reading University, ask you what is ideal, you travel around the wor
最佳答案:When you are 18,still in the college and asked about your dream,your answer is t