最佳答案:Jealousy is caused by the laziness and ignorance可以在百度翻译中找到
最佳答案:This is the wisdom of slothful inspiration
最佳答案:I will try my best to change my individuality of lazy and timid form tomorrow...
最佳答案:The body has a hard dog and a lazy person, they would fight when you hesitate. E
最佳答案:His face turns red.It's not important to what he said.I refused to help lazy poe
最佳答案:一头美丽的长颈鹿 A beautiful Giraffe一只聪明的海豚 A clever dolphin一只害羞的考拉 A shy Koala一只可爱的大熊猫
最佳答案:Hi!everybody, My name is xxx, 18 years old. I am a little bit lazy in my life. I
最佳答案:1 Success lies in hard-working,while laziness leads to failure.2 没太看懂.如果“你仅”换成“不
最佳答案:Copying others' homework is a bad habit. Students are doing this mainly because
最佳答案:Most of us have too much life potentiality remaining undiscovered or unutilized.