最佳答案:(父亲)的(爱) 作文如果说:母爱如水,那么,父爱是山.如果说:母爱是涓涓小溪,那么,父爱就是滚滚流云.是啊,父亲的爱,就像大山一样,高大而坚定.父亲的爱,每一
最佳答案:My father gave me a little rabbit yesterday.It is white all but has ret eyes.The
最佳答案:Lesson 68 Persistent1.As there was a dentist nearby whom she knew well,Elizabeth
最佳答案:这是49课 The end of a dreamThe man gathered the pieces next morning.However ,he cou
最佳答案:I want to be a teacher when I grow up.First of all,teacher is the career which i