最佳答案:Vegetarian Vampire
最佳答案:血族禁猎区 = Blood suckers are forbidden here.就是这里不允许吸血鬼狩猎人类的意思Which means this area
最佳答案:There is a kind of creature which is always being an awkward position in the his
最佳答案:Pu-songling 《chat ambition a difference 》medium of spend bewitching image to be
最佳答案:today i will introduce a movie about vampire based on a novel ,语序问题,应该紧接它所修饰的主题
最佳答案:you can control anything but one's shit.
最佳答案:三年来我奔走四海,今天却又成为了俘虏. 我为了这河山留了多少泪,谁有说天地宽广四海为家? 我已经知道自己的长辞之日不远了,想要与故乡诀别却又难舍. 待到我
最佳答案:Some other time would be OK. and we may talk about it then.大概是这样的意思. 这次时间不太合适,另外
最佳答案:She knocked down the worst day of her whole life.In her frustration of unrest, c