最佳答案:这是辛迪的钢笔用英语翻译成复数句These are Cindy's pens.或者These pens are Cindy's.
最佳答案:You can ask Cindy to your jacket.
最佳答案:You can ask Cindy to your jacket.
最佳答案:真谓神妙,在在处处,应有神物护持”.这真是有神帮助才写的出来的诗呀!后来的清代大文豪何焯读后更 是无话可说,只给了四个坚实有力的字:“声泪俱下”.是呀!禹锡长达
最佳答案:it seems it's going to rainI forgot to give her a call yesterdayAlice sings as g
最佳答案:seems to be fortunatepass the football to sb.unafraid of lecturing for a crowd o
最佳答案:Today we went to the Olympic Forest Park in autumn,playing very happy,but also v
最佳答案:哈哈,我也是四川人啊,所以很乐于为你写这篇文章哈哈,为咱们川菜文化多做努力哈Chongqing is located in the eastern part o