最佳答案:Sing a word of love, holding a pair of love painting. A blooming flower, covered
最佳答案:At last,I will end my speech with a part of Libai's poem:Winds and waves will be
最佳答案:Daniel used only two lines of poetry to sumrize himself : the fate has teased ev
最佳答案:这首诗明显就是:锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦 !It is an Tang poem which was written by a Tang
最佳答案:五行诗概述古代称构成各种物质的五种元素:水、火、木 、金、土为“五行”.中国古代思想家企图用日常生活中习见的上述五种物质来说明世界万物的起源和多样性的统一.战国