最佳答案:I was moved by it from the bottom of my heart
最佳答案:The pureness of your heart is far more important than your appearance
最佳答案:The most important thing is to possess a beautiful heart.
最佳答案:You've totally occupied my heart and my soul.
最佳答案:Your heart is blamed,but is your soul punished?
最佳答案:Het vaderland gaat de kleine mening van I in, is zij hoe geheimzinnig en ook is
最佳答案:“打扰一下,请问通往你心灵的路怎么走?”"Excuse me, may I ask you to go how the soul of the road?"请采
最佳答案:1,I curse you to be able to obtain happy2,in some one day,to be infatuated with
最佳答案:The world of Comic is pure, full of sunshine and sincerity so that our souls des
最佳答案:一个人用心灵去看,才看得最清楚。本质的东西,用眼晴是看不见的。A person with the mind to see, to see the most cl