最佳答案:for your informationorfor your reference
最佳答案:Thanking you for chosing our travel agency.Here're my pieces of advice brought f
最佳答案:那个还很深梦很真 是机器翻译,又出来误导人.我已经将以下三笔收款从美金账户转入人民币账户,附件为汇款申请书,供你参考.I have transferred th
最佳答案:After confirming with Peter,we prepared 4 conditions for you to complete an expe
最佳答案:翻译:I have updated the NSOP result for your reference. So far we have received ei
最佳答案:这份提单上的信息是错误的,我们截单时已经让货代更改了,这不是最终版本,附件正确的draft供你参考,正式提单开船后提供The information on th