最佳答案:大多数同学都是独生子女,以自我为中心,不关心父母.Most of the students are only children,self-centered,do
最佳答案:Most parents forbid their children smoking.This project spent more time to finis
最佳答案:Many parents always want to do something for the kids很高兴为您解答,【语数英科】团队为您答题.请点击下面的
最佳答案:Respect for parents is one of the traditional Chinese virtuesMost students have
最佳答案:For most Chinese children want a take one's ease life, but spoiled by parents.
最佳答案:Please keep in mind that your parents were young,in most cases they can understa
最佳答案:您好! 1.We investigated the students at school that most of them are agree with th
最佳答案:1.The Smiths are our neighbours.They live on the second floor under us.2.Most of