最佳答案:Dear sirs,We are a films manufactor introduced by Mr. Jiang. we can produce vari
最佳答案:star simulator(这是我自己译的,我也不知道有木有这一个说法 俺理解的星象仪就是一个模拟行星位置的仪器,既然这样可以这样译吧~~)其实我觉得词典释义
最佳答案:There are many colors,such as white, black, blue,green...Different colors stands
最佳答案:Music has many kinds,such as country music,pop music,soft music and jazz.Music i
最佳答案:twenty-five dollars and fourty cents.
最佳答案:体育运动有很多种,如游泳.足球.高尔夫等.在这些运动中,我最爱的是打羽毛球.因为它不仅可以锻炼身体,还可以让我减肥,使 我变得苗条.不管工作有多忙,每个星期我都
最佳答案:coffee has many different favors and can be mixed with many other things such as
最佳答案:Life there are many possible人生有很多种可能,Failure is the success of the pianist perha
最佳答案:Although the program only lasts for half an hour every day,I have learnt to cook
最佳答案:La cause d'un incendie peut être multiple. La pluspart du temps, c'est souvent d