最佳答案:Abstract: The core competitiveness of enterprises to maintain a source of sustai
最佳答案:Core competitiveness is the most important, critical and fundamental capability
最佳答案:The 21st century is the era of competitive talent, how to select the talent to r
最佳答案:为了使企业具有长久的竞争优势In order for the enterprises to have the competitive advantage in
最佳答案:The new price has been fixed,tough higher than before,it's still competitive bot
最佳答案:同意一楼.机器翻译很害人.正题:修改建议:1最开始basiert是绝对错了.不用besteht auf 用 gründet (sich) auf更好因为best
最佳答案:急你所急.绝对正确.如果满意,敬请加分:AbstractWith the onset of the information and knowledge age,
最佳答案:1.the quality and price of PC of our brand is more competitive compared with tha
最佳答案:Since world war ii, the United States on the world economy has always maintained
最佳答案:(敬告楼主:请警惕机器翻译,因为会给您的工作和学习带来不可挽回的损失!本译文由专业译员亲手翻译,保证信息的准确,流畅,可读.敬请您仔细品读!)As the gl