最佳答案:仁者见它说是仁,智者见它说是智.比喻对同一个问题,不同的人从不同的立场或角度有不同的看法.出 处:《周易·系辞上》:“仁者见之谓之仁,智者见之谓之智.”仁者见仁
最佳答案:In brief,we play happily very much .Thanks snow uncle,lets us play happily such
最佳答案:i really appreciate your carefulness.all errors mentioned have been corrected,wo
最佳答案:i really appreciate your carefulness.all errors mentioned have been corrected,wo
最佳答案:there are many reasons why staffs quit,however only two are reality:1,pay load,i
最佳答案:上面的行不行?那根本不是英语.she is a very greedy woman.these pants are mine,those are yours!m
最佳答案:1 no creativityTwo dead brains get3 boring4 a pocketI think I am,I would...bad1