最佳答案:in one word,或者说,all in all
最佳答案:I can't see anything but you.
最佳答案:I lack nothing but money.I have nothing but knowledge.
最佳答案:Six years is nothing but just a period of time.
最佳答案:1.Besides him,all of us went there.2.There was nothing in the bottle but a watch
最佳答案:明末的张岱却别立一说,他在《西湖梦寻》是写道:白堤上沿堤植桃柳,“树皆合抱, . 或由万松书院→凤凰山→过月岩→游栖云寺→最后到梵天寺下山(半天或者一天的
最佳答案:What else I can do except praying?
最佳答案:careful补充:earnest 认真的,认真I am in earnest我是认真的be earnest in/about/over sth
最佳答案:Are there any other things to do except watching movies at home?
最佳答案:我想要一只,小动物,我想要一个 自负的青年 。hush-puppy美】【俚】南方的, n. 【美】油炸玉米饼puppy love少男少女短暂的爱情, 早年初