最佳答案:会计电算化是以电子计算机为主的当代电子技术和信息技术应用到会计实务中的简称,是一个应用电子计算机实现的会计信息系统.Accounting computeriza
最佳答案:E-dictionary is mainly for prompt searching and the study environment where book
最佳答案:With the continuous expansion and application of global e-commerce ,the impact a
最佳答案:AbstractAlong with the rapid development of the Internet in the world, people’s
最佳答案:Accounting Computerization is the electronic computer and modern data-processing
最佳答案:With the rapid economic development and the rapid rise of e-commerce,computerize
最佳答案:建议把wearers换成users,然后把require后面改成不定式,即the users always require the information pr
最佳答案:Magnesium alloys are the lightest structural engineering materials, which have m
最佳答案:With the wide application of Internet,e-commerce is playing an increasingly impo