儒家 英语翻译
最佳答案:京杭大运河 the Grant Canal of Nanjing-Hangzhou孔孟之乡 the country of Confucius and Menci
最佳答案:Confucius is a great educationist,ideologist and statesman in ancient China.Conf
最佳答案:儒家的核心思想“仁”对现实问题的启示Enlightment of Confuscian Core thought "Benevolence“ on Social
最佳答案:Confucianism, also called Confucianism, originated in the spring and autumn and
最佳答案:Tonality is of unique importance in oral perception.Under the influence of Confu
最佳答案:The Confucianism system includes abundant thoughts of human resources management