最佳答案:Which cat is fatter,the white one or the black one?The brown one is fatter than
最佳答案:你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为:What's the cat's name?或What's the name of the cat?
最佳答案:The cat jumped onto the table,crying "help"
最佳答案:Is the cat on the bed?No,it's under the table.
最佳答案:the white cat and occasionally awake will wash its face with its claws.
最佳答案:If properly trained,little Lai could be a excellent comedian.We found that poor
最佳答案:we are playing football.are they playing yoyo in the park?is that cat chasing a
最佳答案:1 猫追老鼠,但总是没能捉到.The cat chased the mouse,but always couldn't catch.(要用过去式的!而且前后要一