最佳答案:Where is the dictionaries ? They are under the desk.
最佳答案:如果你的意思是说在书,笔记本,画,字典,广播这些实物的表面上的话,就懂用on...“在书上”如果是说书里有涉及到,那么就应该用in the book同样的,“在
最佳答案:讨论这个问题根本没有意义no point in 的意思在字典查不到因为它不是个词组,There is no point in doing sth是好句型 = t
最佳答案:hurry动词,hurry后又有动词 greet ,所以加不定式toout,副词,可有可无,即使没有,也行wo both hurried to greet an
最佳答案:就是你打出来的,1、介词(a.在,如“生~北京”;堙, 堵塞,淤积.以堙于东海. 漳水出焉、东流注于河.——精卫衔石子,用来填塞东海,于是,漳水就在那里流出来了
最佳答案:If you don't know the meaning of the word, you can look it up in the dictionary.
最佳答案:the teachers suggest us not refer to the dictionary when we face new words durin
最佳答案:光盘在书桌里The disc in the desk她的钥匙在文具盒里吗-不,不在Her keys are in the pencil case- no, no
最佳答案:There is no such word "love" in my dictionary,as I don't need it any more.
最佳答案:A gentleman bought a dictionary from the bookstore.He left it in the bookstore.H