最佳答案:.根据目录,我们知道这种信息.We know such an information from the content.
最佳答案:We never know what will happen in the future.我们永远不知道未来会发生什么o(∩_∩)o
最佳答案:You really don't know we make this project to eat much suffering
最佳答案:It was only by yeasterday that had We known this matterIt was ...that 为强调句式only
最佳答案:we never know we are succussful or not unless we have a try.
最佳答案:You do not have to explain,we all know what kind of person you are.
最佳答案:The world again, also is worth but you 1: to beat the world with love.
最佳答案:I know it . and do you know " i n 55!w !"what dose that mean?
最佳答案:I believe you have never met before.
最佳答案:If you konw the necessity of this thing,let's begin now.Many famous things can r