最佳答案:His interests are involved in / are concerned with a wide variety of subjects.
最佳答案:Legal English translation is cross-cultural communication,both with regard to th
最佳答案:His speech related to the history between the two World Wars
最佳答案:This branch of physics involved in the action of solid、liquid and gas.
最佳答案:Although he was very proficient in their own field, but relates to nanotechnolog
最佳答案:Today, I want to talk about something of emergencies. Let’s set up three topics,
最佳答案:还是要看语境啊,有条件的话向对方公司确认一下是最安全的.这个翻译错了不是闹着玩的.Director可能是一个部门的主任,比如director of HR Dep
最佳答案:It covers a wide range of topics such as friendship, health, etc. They are adequ
最佳答案:I did my best filling out the form,I'll try to cooperate,unfortunately there are