最佳答案:【新年快乐】【世界上最好的推销员 】哈利在橱窗上看到一则广告,上面写着:“ 招人 世界上最好的推销员 高薪 ” “我就是个不错的推销员”哈利心里想着“我能卖掉任
最佳答案:汉语:新春快乐阿拉伯语:سنة جديدة سعيدة德语:Ein Frohes Neues Jahr俄语с новым годом法语:Joyeux nouv
最佳答案:Wishing you a Happy New Year,and an early Happy Birthday!
最佳答案:2014 we are very good, we still want to 2015, happy New Yea
最佳答案:The new year is coming,this is something to eat,happy new years to you.
最佳答案:I'm sorry it's late,but I still want to say"happy new year"to you.
最佳答案:You can see for you every person say, happy New Yea
最佳答案:Thank you to our guidance, for the dawn of the New Year I wish you a Happy New Y
最佳答案:Thanks your gift .I like very much.Wish your happy new year.All the luck.More an
最佳答案:1 happy new year,best wishes.2 respectfully congratulates healthily,lucky,Happy