最佳答案:My mother tells me not to play on the street
最佳答案:My mom told me not to tell my classmate.My grandmother taught me to draw when I
最佳答案:My mother tell(过去式told) me not to play computer games for too long
最佳答案:妈妈经常告诉他不要在电脑游戏上花太多时间.Mother often ( told gim not to spend too much) on computer
最佳答案:1 Mingli's mother tells ming li not to forget the ten agreements with dog.2 When
最佳答案:Mother always tell me not to be careless.
最佳答案:Mum doesn't allow me to watch TV.Tell him not to talk.Let him know that do not m
最佳答案:用心字组词,不能重复 妈妈在上学前总是很(耐心 )她告诉我上课要(用心 )听讲做作业要( 专心)不要(粗心 )不懂的地方要(虚心 )地向别人请教当然课余时间也可